+44 (0)1777 870431

Heavy Haulage

With over 75 years’ experience of Heavy Haulage, our specialist heavy transport trailers, drivers, experience in highway notification and working relationships with the abnormal load officers and highways authorities enable us to transport abnormal loads weighing up to 150 Tonnes and up to 50m long throughout the UK.

Examples of regular heavy loads include, piling rigs, crawler cranes, excavators, cable drums, plant equipment, machinery, steel & precast concrete bridge sections, transformers, cranes & ballast and construction equipment.

Contact us today for a free quote or for advice from one of our heavy haulage specialists.




Trailers and crane mounted trailers capabilities

Pick up

Payload: 1.5 tonne
Length: 12ft (3.7m)
GVW: 3.5 tonne

Rigid Flat

Payload: 3.5 tonne
Length: 18ft (5.5m)
GVW: 7.5 tonne

Curtain-sided trailer

Length: 40-50ft (12-13.75m)
GVW: 44 tonne

Flat bed trailer

Length: 40-50ft (12-13.75)
GVW: 44 tonne

Extendable 3 axel step-frame trailer with rear mounted crane

Payload: 16 tonne
Length: 24-85ft (7.3-26m)
Crane Capacity: 16 Tonnes @ 3.5M

Plant trailer

Payload: 35 tonne
Length: 24-85ft (7.3-26m)

Extendable trailer

Payload: 50 tonne
Length: 24-85ft (7.3-26m)

Low Loader

Payload: 65 tonne
Length: 27.8-46ft (8.5-14m)

Bogey trailer

Payload: 120 tonne
Length: 65-148ft (20-45m)

2 bed 4 axel low loader

Payload: 95 tonne
Length: 26.2-42.6ft (8-13m)